How to Laser Engrave Slate

Engraving Slate rock is fairly simple but where most craftsmen fail is on the last step.  Lets go through all the steps and help you create a product that really pops.

  1. Make sure there are no loose spots on your slate rock that can chip off during your burn.  The last thing you want is an unsatisfied customer.
  2. Select the desired image and resize to the desired size. Your power level will depend on which machine you are using, don't be afraid to turn up the power, you won't hurt the slate. Set the speed as fast as you can depending on the detail on your image.
  3. Once your all lined up and ready to run, hit the button and watch the magic.
  4. Once finished you will want to move it to your workbench and lay down some cardboard or some sort of protective sheet you don't mind getting dirty, i use old shipping boxes that are cut up.
  5. Wipe the Slate dust off with a dry rag.
  6. Now here is my "Golden Trick" to really set my Slate products apart... Aerosol Lacquer.  Give it a spray on the bottom side, let it dry.  Spray the top side, let it dry.
  7. Once all dry and ready (i let them sit overnight) you are ready to step up your sales game! 


That's all there is too it.  Make sure you clean off your lens every 10-15 pieces, Slate dust is hard on your laser lens and can easily cause scratches and burn spots.

Here is an Amazon Associate list of the products i use for this process. Enjoy!


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